[Last updated on: Wed Apr 3 20:24:50 1996] Descriptions ----------- This list is for discussion relating to the band Type O Negative. Any relevant discussion is encouraged. Posting of binaries, irrelevant discussion or messages containing the word "kewl" is usually frowned upon and will subject the poster to copious flamage and insults. Unfortunately, due to a recent lack of any new material from the band, the list regulars have suffered a major IQ drop and so the discussion tends to wander to things like body parts of the band members. If you don't believe me, pull the archives for Aug. and Sept. '95. You are forewarned! Please note that you will be insulted and your parentage will be called into question if you ask dumb questions that have already been answered. To avoid this pitiful fate, read on to see how you can read old list messages. Instructions ------------ To send a message to the list, mail to type-o@hpc.uh.edu. For help on dealing with the mailing list software (for getting the archives or other files which may be made available) send the message "help" to majordomo@hpc.uh.edu. Archives of previous messages are available; you can access a fully searchable and reasonably cool index at . If your mailer doesn't highlight that or you don't know what it means, you need to open your web browser, select "Open Location" or "Open URL" from some menu or another, and type in http://www.hpc.uh.edu/type-o/ If you can't follow these directions, you need help. Talk to your service provider or your friends or buy an "Internet for Dummies" book or something. If you don't have web access, you can still get the archives. You can also FTP them from ftp.hpc.uh.edu ( in /pub/type-o/list-archive or you can even get them mailed to you. Send an email containing the following line to majordomo@hpc.uh.edu: index type-o The system will respond with a list of files you can get. Choose the ones you want, then send an email containing lines like the following to majordomo@hpc.uh.edu: get type-o type-o.9501 get type-o type-o.9602 The above lines would have the archives from Jan, 1995 and Feb, 1996 mailed to you. You can include as many "get" lines as you wish. Be warned that these archives can be very large (2MB) and may confuse some mailers or overflow some email quotas. Policies -------- This list is unmoderated. Any message sent to this list that does not seem to the software to be an administrative request will be immediately sent to all of the list recipients. Replies to messages from this list will go back to the entire list unless you specify another behavior to your mail software. Please keep discussion relevant to the band and their body parts, and edit the Subject: header appropriately. Messages from this mailing list or its archives definitely do _NOT_ represent the official views of the University of Houston or its employees. Thanks! - J< -- Don't look stupid! Check the archives: To unsubscribe, send "unsubscribe type-o" in the body of a message to majordomo@hpc.uh.edu. Report all problems to type-o-owner@hpc.uh.edu.