Review of the Type O Negative show in Corpus Christi, TX

By: RHoly

The lights grow dim, screams fill the air as the excitement climaxes to a fever pitch. Soft yellow, green, red lights cascade down upon the stage. Upon the stage the instruments, the speakers, and all that is seen at any other show. But upon the stage, the mike, the speakers was the scenery of an enchanted forest. The back drop was the scene of trees, dark, eboding. Flowers, vines drapped over the speakers, crawling up the mike stand. The sight was majestic, the feeling overwhelming. The members of the band walk out, massive figures of Adonis. The music starts....envading your scenses, wraping around your mind, your heart, your body. Within the crowd were the faces of many, those of awe, those of love, and those of anger, frustration, all being expressed by thrashing limbs within the pit. There were women and men swaying about to the songs that told a story, that played with emotions. For an hour and a half (or so) different emotions evaded me, some where those of lost memories of love (Summer Breeze) and those of desires (My Girlfriends Girlfriend). Feeling of dark, sensual lusts (Christain Woman) and of Gothic youth (Black #1). Other emotions I vented out upon the crowd, stomping my way through sweaty bodys, pushing those that got in my way, and being drenched with the sweat of others. -my experience at the show.

Overall show-STUCK MOJO came up playing there brand of funky thrash-punk-hip-hop style, getting the band into a frenzy. Within two songs of their set a young man collapsed into convulsing, what I saw was he took one hit of a joint, passed it, fell over. Basically, the majority of the crowd was more interested in a convulsing guy who could die for no fucking reason then watch a show. The lead singer made funny of the guy, without knowing the situation, kinda cruel, but funny.
LOA came up with their show, sluggish style of Hardcore, but still managed to get the crowd more pumped. TON played an explosing show that captivated the Goths, the Metalheads, the Freaks, and all others who has heard TON. I can't wait till the Houston show, which I also will atend. The end........

Mark "vex" G.
P.O. BOX 4712
Victoria, TX 77903-4712
USA, EARTH, ETC.......

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