Review of the Type O Negative show in Chicago, IL

By: Victoria Nuttle

Okay... the big news from the show last night... the truck they(as in the roadies) had to load everything into was getting fixed 'cause the yahoo who was driving it messed it up trying to drive it under too small of an overhang.... but in the news users would care about... Pete is sick. According to Josh, who walked out of the bus and signed autographs for a little while, Pete has/had a 104 fever, so that's why they played a pretty short set (consisting of Unsuccessful Coping, Cinnimon Girl, Black No.1, MGG, Too Late for Apoligies... I'm trying to remember more but on my two hours of sleep the mind ain't working too good).

Got to meet Mr. Rich for a moment.... then he told me "I'll be right back, I'm gonna go get a beer" and he disappeared as i sat and talked to the rest of the roadies all night (which was quite cool... had I known they were that cool I'd have talked to them rather than standing by the tour bus for an hour with no success). Pete didn't come off the bus all night (of course Chicago has to be the friggin town where he decides to get sick) and Kenny stumbled from their bus to LOA's a few times (got a hello from him). Couldn't see much at the show... didn't get a good vantage point since we got there way late and I didn't wear my spikey heels so I was too damn short to see anything.

Oh well. Not too much exciting. A lot more older stuff than I remember... perhaps Chicago just lucks out 'cause it looked like about 99% older Type-o fans, and a few select trailer-park-trash bimbos stumbling around. SIGH. Had fun watching 'em finally load the truck at.... about 3:30 in the morning.

MV of the OSC

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